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Mid-Autumn Celebration Under the BIG Tree
9 September 2022 | 6:15pm - 9:15pm
Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan Cultural Academy
After 2 years of hiatus, Singapore Chinese Dance Theatre (SCDT)’s annual outdoor dance carnival, “Under the BIG Tree,” is finally back!
Since its inception in 2015, “Under the BIG Tree” has been a highly raved and well-received event by both the young and old alike over the years. Held under an age-old tree at its premise in East Coast, the outdoor dance carnival will feature a wide variety of activities from mesmerizing dance performances to scrumptious food, exciting games, and more. You can also stand a chance to walk away with attractive prizes!
The best part? The return of “Under the BIG Tree” coincides with the Mid-Autumn Festival this year, which calls for a double celebration! Come join us to celebrate the festive occasion together with your family and friends right under the big tree and the dazzling night sky!
What are you waiting for? Hurry register now for an evening of dance and fun with us!
